Tuesday, December 29, 2009

McAllen TX First Meeting

Today we had our first trip meeting with the three staff couples. Maria and Richard are the tailgunners; Chris and Brian are the assistants or trainees for next year's trip.

Pre-trip Planning 12/28/09

We left home Dec 25 and arrived in Memphis for an overnight. This allowed LuAnn to drive the kitties to her sister's house in Deepwater, Mo. The drive was uneventful until she hit the Ozarks. Then it was a beautiful drive. The visit with Ed, Theresa, Alexsis, Nick and Shauna was great. Good food and good company. The kitties adjusted slowly. They just really aren't used to small children. LuAnn headed off the next morning for a shorter drive to Little Rock. The following morning we headed for Livingston, TX. Here we will review the budget and pick up materials for the trip then head to McAllen, TX for our rendevous with the other two staff couples.